Experience Map vs. Customer Journey Map Insightful Guide For Business

Yellow Slice
7 min readJul 25, 2024


A customer journey map is a whole path a customer takes to make a getaway. This path can be to the other side of multiple intermediates, call for several modes and channels of communication and can spread over durations set in order from a few minutes (hello online shopping!) to a few months.

Customer experience map is much more across the board than customer journey mapping. The prime difference between a customer experience map and a customer journey map is a experience map isn’t restricted to a single sale or even one product. This map covers all touchpoints whether or not they resulted in a sale contrarily a customer journey be related only to a single sale and the steps that were involved in it.

Tools and resources are necessary for any business, but to a large extent for small and medium-sized businesses. Having the right tools and resources can help you save time and money and can also help you be more productive and efficient in your tasks.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when choosing the right tools and resources for your business. First, consider your needs. What do you need to be capable of doing? What do you need to be capable to finish? Once you know what you need, you can begin to look for the right tools and resources.

Perception and empathizing with customers set down the preparations for meaningful interactions and successful business results. It also provides a substantial framework.

As you study all stages of a customer’s experience with your brand, you will be able to separate where you are not meeting expectations or where you are entirely putting a distance between prospects and customers.

Have you ever created a model car, boat, or aircraft? Or, create a DIY piece of furniture from IKEA? Or, it could be just played with Legos as a kid — or, like as an adult?

If you have tried any of these, you have come across a set of instructions on how to build your product for sure.

Customer touchpoints work similarly. They represent important meetings that occur along the customer’s journey. Grouping them progressively paints a complete image of a standard customer experience with your business.

It’s important to keep in mind that not every customer journey is linear and goes after these stages in this manner. But in general, companies look at the five customer journey stages as:

  • Awareness — This is when a possible customer becomes mindful of your company and services.
  • Consideration — At the inspection stage, the potential customer is now mindful of your company and that you provide services that match their needs.
  • First purchase or decision — A potential customer makes it to this stage when they have all the ideas they need to decide whether your company comes face to face with their needs within their final budget and scope.
  • Retention or loyalty: — The retention phase emphasizes keeping your customers happy and engaged.
  • Support for — In this stage, customers to the person you have delivered value that outdo their expectations are doing their marketing work for your company.

Fintech customer journey map example

A good customer journey map example is the banking sector which provides precious acumen that can considerably improve the customer experience and guide operational planning. Here’s why it’s important for banks, besides with examples from actual companies:

  • Improving customer experience in retail banking- Banks like Santander employ customer journey mapping to amend the in-branch occurrence, minimizing wait times and building the efficiency of service points.
  • Improving online banking user journeys- Wells Fargo applied a customer journey map specially for online banking for processes like account creation, bill payments and loan applications that makes the UI more built-in and minimizes transaction period.
  • Focusing and personalization in marketing- Across customer journey mapping, banks can know specific stages where customers may be personal to particular products, permitting more focused marketing works.
  • Operating digital adoption- HSBC used journey mapping to rebuild its digital policy for improved usability, uplifting more customers to initiate transactions online.
  • Compliance and risk handling- Customer journey map helps banks establish compliance with banking commands at every customer touchpoint.

The function of a customer journey map in design thinking

In Design Thinking, obtaining to know your customer’s identity and analyzing how they communicate with your brand gives you an engaging good idea of how they will respond in the coming time. An exceptional way to do this is from end-to-end customer journey mapping. In a customer journey map ux design is a meticulous imagination that represents the experience of a user-based identity as they use a particular element. It portrays the moves your customers take when communicating with your product or service.

A customer journey map in design thinking draws up three elements:

  • The place at which possible and have customers collaborate with your brand.
  • What the customer looks about at each point.
  • The approach they take from one perspective to the other, as they move in the direction of buying your products. A map can be demonstrated for an online experience, a buying and selling experience, or a blend of these.

As you get your go-ahead in the world of UX, one important tool you will need in your expertise is the customer journey map. Creating a customer journey map ux design can appear to be discouraged and you may not know where to start. We have split down how to create effective and result-oriented customer journey maps using seven simple steps.

  1. Set a clear goal for the map
  2. Define your identity and feature target customers
  3. Set stages and identify objectives for each
  4. List out the point of contact
  5. Collect data and customer feedback
  6. Find pain points and points of dispute
  7. Understand areas for updates

What is an Experience Map?

The customer experience map is an influential tool that allows businesses to achieve a comprehensive understanding of customer’s interconnection with their brand or service. It provides a complete view of the entire customer journey, emergence from the initial awareness phase and continuing through to the loyalty phase.

An experience map helps take the edge off satisfaction gaps, have an insight into your customer and identify the point of contact your customer goes through. Your map experience’s main components are actions, motivations, questions and critical points.

Experience Map vs Customer Journey Map

Considering these two methods starting with an ‘experience maps vs customer journey map’ strong matches are not equitable as the two of these mapping processes are used to keep in sight customer interplay with your brand. That gives voice, while the customer journey map is the only tracking point of contact linked to the obtainable of a single product or service, the customer experience map tracks every single touchpoint and how the customer responds at each phase.

To improve the customer journey, customer service teams should look at the process from the customer’s point of view and think about their next step. On the other hand, customer experience maps view actions from the customer service team to give customers the best experience.


A customer journey map marks the particular pace and touchpoints a customer gets when buying a particular product or service, from beginning understanding to after-purchase communication. In conflict with this, a customer experience map gives an extensive image of all customer reciprocation with a brand, surrounding every point of contact to the other side of the whole customer process, in any case of specific buying. While journey maps emphasize individual purchasing processes, experience maps focus attention on larger customer satisfaction. These two tools are necessary for upgrading user experience, but customer journey map in design thinking and their applications are unlike based on business demands. At Yellow Slice, we offer you the best tools to monitor the customer journey benefits in your organization. Contact us! We would love to team up with you to help you achieve better customer experiences!

FAQs About Experience Map vs. Customer Journey Map

Why customer journey mapping important?

Customer journey mapping is necessary as it makes use of our sight-thinking logically capacity to fluent a customer’s broad, complex journey with a brand.

How many customer journey maps do I need? Do I need a customer journey map for every persona or customer segment?

There is no such rule for how many journey maps you should create. Journey mapping, as a process, is advantageous because it creates a shared vision among team members. In general, the more focused your customer journey map is, the better. Journey maps keep an eye on one persona in one case to tell a clear story.

Where do I get research for a customer journey map?

Journey mapping needs narrative research and your picture should be aligned on real data. You need to observe customer’s real ways and hear from them immediately. Utility methods like related inquiry, interviews and other studies are good for collecting the ideas needed for mapping customer journeys.

What is a customer journey map ux design for visual thinking?

A user journey map is a visual portrayal of what a user must do to arrive at a goal and outlines the experience they have with your brand. Their expectation may be to thorough a purchase, find information, or enroll in a service.

Pursued Communication design specialized in UX/UI design. His love for sketching, doodles, technology, and communication through storytelling with help of visual aids have always driven him to be a creative geek. For him, photography, playing with fonts, exploring different archives on typeface specimens, and reading become the next companion in his spare time.

Originally published at https://www.yellowslice.in on July 25, 2024.

